
2nd Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Interregional Forum held in Guba

At the 2nd Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Interregional Forum held in Guba, the economic potential of the regions of the two countries and opportunities for partnership development were discussed, bilateral documents were signed, and B2B meetings were held.

The 2nd Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Interregional Forum was held in Guba. The event was attended by officials from both countries and entrepreneurs working in various fields.

Speaking at the Forum, Mikail Jabbarov, Minister of Economy, stressed that the leaders' political will and joint efforts are the basis of the strategic partnership between the countries. Economic and trade cooperation plays an important role in relations with Uzbekistan. Investment cooperation is developing. The activity of the Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Investment Company with an authorised capital of $500 million is aimed at implementing investment projects in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and third countries. Thanks to the investments of the brotherly country, it is planned to build a textile factory in the liberated territory, which will create more than 400 jobs in the initial stage. In addition, there are favourable conditions for strengthening cooperation in several industrial sectors and transport and logistics. A comprehensive cooperation programme with Uzbekistan has also been prepared in such areas as energy, agriculture, tourism, small and medium-sized enterprises, health and freight transport. It was noted that the activation of relations between the regions of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan will stimulate the development of our mutually beneficial partnership.

The Business Forum presented information on Azerbaijan's investment potential, opportunities created for investors, transport, communications, and infrastructure projects in our liberated territories. Uzbek colleagues were also invited to participate in the COP29, which will be held in our country.

Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan, stressed the importance he attaches to high-level relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan and to strengthening economic and trade cooperation between his country and Azerbaijan. It was noted that there are many opportunities for strengthening ties between the regions of our countries. The interregional forum is an important platform for joint initiatives, in which business entities of our countries should be active.

Emin Huseynov, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Agdam, Fizuli, and Khojavand Districts, spoke about the construction projects being carried out in the liberated districts and the prospects for developing cooperation with Uzbekistan.

Yusif Abdullayev, Executive Director of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan - AZPROMO, and Orkhan Mammadov, Chairman of the Board of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, spoke about the business environment in our country, investment opportunities, planned measures of cooperation with Uzbekistan, and possible areas of joint action for business circles.

The head of the executive power of Guba district Ilgar Mahmudov, the head of the executive power of Mingechevir Ilham Ismailov, the head of the executive power of Bilasuvar district Faig Gurbatov, the deputy judge of Tashkent City Zafarkhuja Tursunov, the deputy judge of Bukhara region Rizo Asadov, and the deputy judge of Syrdarya region Shohrukh Isakulov talked about the economic potential of the administrative-territorial units represented by them, the implemented projects, and exchanged opinions on the prospects of cooperation.

A roadmap for the preparation of the economic part of the state visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Uzbekistan and a twinning agreement between the cities of Fizuli and Gulistan, Bilasuvar and Termez was presented at the forum. Mingachevir and Namangan agreements were signed between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. It was stressed that the implementation of the documents will open new prospects for bringing our peoples closer in a spirit of solidarity and strengthening direct links.

B2B meetings were held during the event.

The 4th meeting of the Uzbek-Azerbaijani Business Council was held during the Forum. The event assessed the work done to address the challenges identified during the previous meetings and the possibility of strengthening ties between the business communities of the two countries.

Mikail Jabbarov, Minister of Economy, and Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan, familiarised themselves with the activities of the Caucasian Cannery in Khachmaz and the AzerHalcha store in Shabran. They discussed the possibility of applying best practices and setting up joint production enterprises in the light and processing industries.