Baku hosted a regular meeting of the Azerbaijan-Russia Business Council. In addition to officials, the event was attended by more than 90 members of the Council, representing structures and organisations working in various economic spheres, including agriculture, engineering, petrochemicals, banking, logistics, and other areas.
Speaking at the event, Minister of Economy Mikail Jabbarov stressed the development of cooperation between the two countries and noted the importance of the partnership mechanism of the Azerbaijan-Russia Business Council in the context of diversification of trade and economic relations. It was stated that the work aimed at the implementation of joint investment projects and bilateral trade potential further strengthens ties between business circles, which contributes to the economic development of both countries.
Providing information on the activities of the Azerbaijan-Russia Business Council, established by the business communities of the two countries, Samad Gurbanov spoke about the work done by the organisation to develop trade and business relations between the two countries and to support the interests of the Azerbaijani business community.
Elections to the Council's Board of Directors were held following the meeting's agenda. Emin Agalarov, founder of Agalarov Development Company, was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Azerbaijan-Russia Business Council, while Yusif Abdullayev, Executive Director of AZPROMO, and Gambar Benanyarli, Director of Nardaran Invest LLC, were elected Deputy Chairmen.
The newly elected Chairman of the Board of the Council, Emin Agalarov, noted the importance of the Council's activities in activating business dialogue between entrepreneurs and expanding partnership opportunities for the business communities of both countries.
At the event, Samed Gurbanov was awarded a Certificate of Honour for his contribution to the development of economic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation.
It should be noted that the Business Council, which has been operating since 2016, actively cooperates with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Russian-Azerbaijani Business Council and other state structures and relevant public organisations of the two countries.