A presentation on "FOODEX Japan" by the Moscow representative of JETRO was organized by the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation for local businessmen.
About 40 local companies participated in the event. The vice president of AZPROMO Vidadi Guliyev highlighted the promotion of the Azerbaijani products and the importance of participation of businessmen in international exhibitions in expansion of the foreign relations. Furthermore, Vidadi Guliyev spoke about the work done by AZPROMO, the coopertion between AZPROMO and JETRO in this direction and noted that AZPROMO would support the participation of national companies in the international exhibitions in the future.
The Moscow Representative of JETRO Norimasa Shimada talked about the exhibition which is going to be held in Japan in March, 2014 and gave detailed information on the exhibition, the required conditions for participation in the exhibition, registration rules and necessary procedures for the participants, as well as answered the businessmen' questions.
The representative of JETRO Pavel Petuxov had a presentation on "FOODEX Japan" at the event.