Azerbaijan Beekepers Association

In October-November 2015, Protocol of Intent was signed by beekeepers to combine all the beekeepers and organizations operating in this sector. ‘Azerbaijan Beekeepers Association’ (ABA) Public Union was established at the founding meeting on 20 February 2016 by Badraddin Hasratov, Sabir Mustafayev and Shahin Jafarov when the Charter of the Association was approved. The first general meeting of the Association was held on 28 February 2016 and Extended Management Board and Inspection Commission were created.
Chairman of the Management Board: Badraddin Hasratov
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board: Sabir Mustafayev
Chairman of Inspection Commission: Shahin Jafarov
ABA has 29 branches in the regions where beekeepers live across the Republic. Creating 23 more branches are on the agenda. In generally, ABA incorporates more than 2000 beekeepers and entrepreneurs operating in beekeeping of 52 regions of the Republic.
Developing the beekeeping in the country, solving the problems of beekeepers, promoting beekeeping to take decent place in the country's economy, increasing the position of Azerbaijan’s beekeeping in the world, developing a common concept of beekeeping and fulfilling other issues related to this field are the purpose of the association.
Legal persons and individuals over 18 years of age may become members of the Association. These legal and natural persons should be associated with beekeeping and serve the development of this field.
Tel.: +99450 3690859
+99455 3690859
+99470 3690859
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