Azerbaijan Pomegranate Producers and Exporters Association

Azerbaijan Pomegranate Producers and Exporters Association’ Public Union was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 31 October 2016. The first meeting of the Association was held on 17 March 2017.
More than 20 peasants, farmers and entrepreneurs are gathered together within the Association.
The Association aims to serve farmers interested in pomegranate cultivation free of charge and support promotion of pomegranate as the ‘Made in Azerbaijan’ brand in the world.
The Association works for regular provision of Azerbaijan’s pomegranate to the local and international market, application of advanced technologies in the production, supply of high quality raw materials, as well as improvement of awareness and experiences of the production and processing.
Address: Baku, Nariman Narimanov ave.205
Tel.: +99412 5102929
Fax: +99412 5103633
GSM: +99450 2780373