Market Research
Market research is a support measure organized to explore and expand access to existing and new export markets to ensure the export of non-oil sector products.
Market research is carried out by specialized local or foreign legal entities or individuals selected as a result of competition on the basis of exporters' requests in accordance with the target markets defined by the Ministry of Economy.
A maximum of 30,000 manats shall be paid from the state budget to implement 1 marketing survey.
The announcement of the competition to select exporters willing to benefit from the support measure shall be posted in the Announcements section at least 15 days before the date of the contest.
Note! The target markets shall be listed in the tender announcement.
After submitting applications, the competition committee established by the Ministry of Economy shall, on a predetermined date, conduct a competition to assess applications and make a decision.
The announcement of the competition to select exporters willing to benefit from the support measure shall be posted in the Announcements section at least 15 days before the date of the contest. - 15 days
Information about the results shall be released within 2 days thereafter - 2 days
Applications shall be evaluated against the following criteria:
- The application shall be related to target markets;
- The exporter's capacity to produce the product;
- Export potential of the exporter by types of product;
- Whether the study was carried out earlier and lost its relevance in the context of this support measure;
- The candidates achieving a minimum passing score on the above criteria shall be declared winners.
The candidates achieving a minimum passing score on the above criteria shall be declared winners.
The contestants shall be notified of the results within 2 working days after the competition.
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